Shikshan Parsarak Mandali, Pune

Prin. K. P. Mangalvedhekar Institute of Management Career Development and Research,

(Approved By AICTE New Delhi,DTE Mumbai & Recognized By Govt. of Maharashtra & Affilated to P.A.H. Solapur University, Solapur)
156-B, Railway lines, Dufferin Chowk, Solapur, Maharashtra-413001, Bharat :: Email Id - :: Phone - 02172317964 , 02172310029
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Library Rules

Library rules are required for proper management of every material in the library. If proper regulations are made to the library for proper distribution of the library materials, the functioning of the library will become better.

Library is a place where books and sources of information are stored.They make it easier for people to get access to them for various purposes. Libraries are very helpful and economical too. They include books, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, manuscripts and more.

To ensure that the library remains an effective space for everyone, students must adhere to a set of essential guidelines  library etiquette. This set of unwritten rules and manners plays a pivotal role in creating a conducive environment for studying and research.

The borrowing rules of a library are designed to ensure that books and resources are shared fairly. Teach students to respect due dates and return borrowed materials on time. Overdue books can inconvenience others waiting to access the same resources.

A common academic library consists of five major units or departments:Acquisitions, tasked with acquiring the library's additions to their established collections and subscriptions; Cataloguing, responsible for taking the raw and just acquired materials and making them shelf & Cupboard ready by adding them to the library's .

Libraries provide the crucial role in promoting education,research,personality development,ethics and other importantant values.

Libraries often provide quiet spaces for private studying, common areas to facilitate group study and collaboration and  facilities for access to their electronic resources and the internet.

 The five laws of library science is a theory that  S.R.Rangnathan  proposed in 1931, detailing the principles of operating a library system. Many librarians from around the world accept the laws as the foundations of.

The library in our Institute also has Library Rules which are followed by the students & teachers.and thus the library is managed properly.


  1. Every Student & staff is required to scan Library QR Code through MOPAC App to check in & Checkout into the library.
  2. Keep your mobile switch off. Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the Library.
  3. All the students will be issued 10 books at a time for 10 days it will be renewed for two times, if the books are not on demand
  4. Book once issued will not be returned in the same day.
  5. Reading book will be issued for reading in the “Reading Hall” in the library on producing the Library Reading Register. Books are not to be taken out of the library.
  6. Newspapers, Journals and magazines can only be used within the library.
  7. The library shall not take any responsibility for loss of personal property or books already signed out to a user.
  8. Lost books must be reported to the librarian immediately if the books are lost, then the borrower shall replace the books of the same edition or latest edition or paid for within 30 days.

If a Member leaves or migrates the institution he/she shall have to return all the library material and get membership to obtain no dues slip from the librarian.